Source code for bbox.bbox3d

"""3D bounding box module."""

# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from pyquaternion import Quaternion

[docs]class BBox3D: """ Class for 3D Bounding Boxes (3-orthotope). It takes either the center of the 3D bounding box or the back-bottom-left corner, \ the width, height and length of the box, and quaternion values to indicate the rotation. Args: x (:py:class:`float`): X axis coordinate of 3D bounding box. \ Can be either center of bounding box or back-bottom-left corner. y (:py:class:`float`): Y axis coordinate of 3D bounding box. \ Can be either center of bounding box or back-bottom-left corner. z (:py:class:`float`): Z axis coordinate of 3D bounding box. \ Can be either center of bounding box or back-bottom-left corner. length (:py:class:`float`, optional): The length of the box (default is 1). width (:py:class:`float`, optional): The width of the box (default is 1). height (:py:class:`float`, optional): The height of the box (default is 1). rw (:py:class:`float`, optional): The real part of the rotation quaternion (default is 1). rx (:py:class:`int`, optional): The first element of the quaternion vector (default is 0). ry (:py:class:`int`, optional): The second element of the quaternion vector (default is 0). rz (:py:class:`int`, optional): The third element of the quaternion vector (default is 0). euler_angles (:py:class:`list` or :py:class:`ndarray` of float, optional): Sequence of \ euler angles in `[x, y, z]` rotation order (the default is None). is_center (`bool`, optional): Flag to indicate if the provided coordinate is the \ center of the box (the default is True). """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, length=1, width=1, height=1, rw=1, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0, q=None, euler_angles=None, is_center=True): if is_center: self._cx, self._cy, self._cz = x, y, z self._c = np.array([x, y, z]) else: self._cx = x + length/2 self._cy = y + width/2 self._cz = z + height/2 self._c = np.array([self._cx, self._cy, self._cz]) self._w, self._h, self._l = width, height, length if euler_angles: # we need to apply y, z and x rotations in order # self._q = Quaternion(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=euler_angles[1]) * \ Quaternion(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=euler_angles[2]) * \ Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=euler_angles[0]) elif q is not None: self._q = Quaternion(q) else: self._q = Quaternion(rw, rx, ry, rz) @property def center(self): """ Attribute to access center coordinates of box in (x, y, z) format. Can be set to :py:class:`list` or :py:class:`ndarray` of float. Returns: :py:class:`ndarray` of float: 3-dimensional vector representing (x, y, z) coordinates \ of the box. Raises: ValueError: If `c` is not a vector/list of length 3. """ return self._c @center.setter def center(self, c): if len(c) != 3: raise ValueError("Center coordinates should be a vector of size 3") self._c = c def __valid_scalar(self, x): if not np.isscalar(x): raise ValueError("Value should be a scalar") else: # x is a scalar so we check for numeric type if not isinstance(x, (np.float, raise TypeError("Value needs to be either a float or an int") return x @property def cx(self): """ :py:class:`float`: X coordinate of center. """ return self._cx @cx.setter def cx(self, x): self._cx = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def cy(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Y coordinate of center. """ return self._cy @cy.setter def cy(self, x): self._cy = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def cz(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Z coordinate of center. """ return self._cz @cz.setter def cz(self, x): self._cz = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def q(self): """ Syntactic sugar for the rotation quaternion of the box. Returns :py:class:`ndarray` of float: Quaternion values in (w, x, y, z) form. """ return np.hstack((self._q.real, self._q.imaginary)) @q.setter def q(self, q): if not isinstance(q, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Quaternion)): raise TypeError( "Value shoud be either list, numpy array or Quaterion") if isinstance(q, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(q) != 4: raise ValueError("Quaternion input should be a vector of size 4") self._q = Quaternion(q) @property def quaternion(self): """ The rotation quaternion. Returns: :py:class:`ndarray` of float: Quaternion values in (w, x, y, z) form. """ return self.q @quaternion.setter def quaternion(self, q): self.q = q @property def l(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Syntactic sugar for length of the box. """ return self._l @l.setter def l(self, x): self._l = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def length(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Length of the box. """ return self._l @length.setter def length(self, x): self.l = x @property def w(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Syntactic sugar for width of the box. """ return self._w @w.setter def w(self, x): self._w = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def width(self): """ :py:class:`float`: The width of the box. """ return self._w @width.setter def width(self, x): self.w = x @property def h(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Syntactic sugar for height of the box. """ return self._h @h.setter def h(self, x): self._h = self.__valid_scalar(x) @property def height(self): """ :py:class:`float`: The height of the box. """ return self._h @height.setter def height(self, x): self.h = x def __transform(self, x): """ Rotate and translate the point to world coordinates. """ y = self._c + self._q.rotate(x) return y @property def p1(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Back-left-bottom point. """ p = np.array([-self._l/2, -self._w/2, -self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p2(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Front-left-bottom point. """ p = np.array([self._l/2, -self._w/2, -self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p3(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Front-right-bottom point. """ p = np.array([self._l/2, self._w/2, -self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p4(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Back-right-bottom point. """ p = np.array([-self._l/2, self._w/2, -self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p5(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Back-left-top point. """ p = np.array([-self._l/2, -self._w/2, self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p6(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Front-left-top point. """ p = np.array([self._l/2, -self._w/2, self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p7(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Front-right-top point. """ p = np.array([self._l/2, self._w/2, self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p8(self): """ :py:class:`float`: Back-right-top point. """ p = np.array([-self._l/2, self._w/2, self._h/2]) p = self.__transform(p) return p @property def p(self): """ Attribute to access ndarray of all corners of box in order. Returns: :py:class:`ndarray` of float: All corners of the bounding box in order. """ x = np.vstack([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3, self.p4, self.p5, self.p6, self.p7, self.p8]) return x def __repr__(self): template = "BBox3D(x={cx}, y={cy}, z={cz}), length={l}, width={w}, height={h}, "\ "q=({rw}, {rx}, {ry}, {rz}))" return template.format( cx=self._cx, cy=self._cy, cz=self._cz, l=self._l, w=self._w, h=self._h, rw=self._q.real, rx=self._q.imaginary[0], ry=self._q.imaginary[1], rz=self._q.imaginary[2])
[docs] def copy(self): return deepcopy(self)